Sunday, April 13, 2008

even if John McCain becomes president

Frank Rich of the NY Times watches the Iraq-Petraeus hearings: ". . . by week’s end, I became more convinced than ever that in January we’ll have a new policy that includes serious withdrawals and serious conversations with Mr. Maliki’s pals in Iran, even if John McCain becomes president."

The emphasis, of course, is mine. How stupid and complacent does Frank Rich have to be to keep his job? I guess this complacent. For years, the moron pundits told us the Bush would be leaving Iraq, real soon. The Friedman Unit -- the war will be won or lost in the next six months -- is now such a joke that no one will utter it. Now, we are assurred that even John "100 years in Iraq" McCain will withdraw. (Last week, Frank was telling us the Democrats should not be drawing attention to the McCain "100 years" statement -- he didn't meant that.

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